Dana – Gåvor och Donationer

Giving to the Lord is a spiritual and devotional activity – whether you give some of your time, some of your energy, some of your money, or ultimately some of your love.

There are many ways to support and give to a temple and we welcome and appreciate all contributions whether large or small:

– Food: rice, dhal (beans), fruits, vegetables
– Flowers
– Practical help
– Donations
   •  Give a monthly or annual donation
   •  Give for special purposes (festivals, etc.)   

Food and flowers: Please drop them off directly to our kitchen department or place them at the altar

Practical help:  Please contact us via our contact form

Donations:  Please donate to one of the following accounts:

Bank transfer in Sweden: Bankgiro 766-8874 (ISKCON Almvik)

Bank account:
Name of the bank:  Handelsbanken
Bank address:  Storgatan 36, 151 36 Södertälje
ISKCON Almvik’s name and address:  ISKCON ALMVIK, Almviks Gård, 15395 Järna, Sweden
IBAN:  SE10 6000 0000 0002 5315 8818

The donation box: You can also leave a donation in the donation box on the left side of the altar.

Thank you so much for your kind and valuable contribution! 

A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada Grundare-Acarya av det Internationella Sällskapet för Krishnamedvetande (ISKCON)


Following the Path
of Bhakti - Devotion


Almviks Gård
153 95 Järna



+46 08-551 520 50

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